Does your website comply with all the requirement? – Check the boxes

Virtually every company these days has a website. Some are incredibly creative and well thought out, while others are more mainstream. How your website looks will depend a lot on the function it performs for your business. If you want to stand out and mainly communicate through your website, you will have to put more time and effort into it than if you decide to state only the necessary basic information.


Whatever your wishes are, you must at any rate always include the following information:

  • company name;
  • company address;
  • postal address;
  • email address;
  • telephone number;
  • Chamber of Commerce registration number;
  • the VAT number of the business (exceptions are the self-employed, because the VAT number of self-employed persons is the same as their BSN number, which for privacy reasons does not need to be disclosed).

subject to a licence?

If you need a licence to conduct your business, you must also state the name of the regulatory authority for that licence.

regulated profession?

If you conduct a regulated profession, you must also state the following:

  • the professional association to which your business is affiliated;
  • the professional title and the country where this professional title is awarded;
  • what professional rules are applicable.

don’t forget the cookies

In addition, every business is required to include information about the cookies that are used on the website:

  • Functional cookies (permission not required, but information must be given);
  • Analytical cookies (permission not required, but information must be given);
  • Tracking cookies (actively request permission – merely stating ‘by clicking on the website you agree to the cookies’ is not sufficient).

Privacy by design

Under the GDPR you are required to inform your clients and visitors to your website how you manage their personal data. For this reason, you must also place a privacy statement on your website.


It may also be desirable to include the following:

  • your general conditions;
  • a ‘terms of use’, setting out the conditions under which a visitor may use the website and the information that can be found on it.


If you run a web shop in which consumers can order products, the law on distance purchasing applies to you. This brings with it the necessary extra obligations regarding the structure of your website. Want to know what these are? Then give us a call and we will be happy to help.