

EMM attracts Quadrum Capital to accelerate growth strategy

In recent years, EMM has grown to become an innovative supplier of high-performance and productivity-enhancing solutions to international paint-processing industries – including automotive, aviation, marine and industrial.

EMM has attracted investment company Quadrum Capital to accelerate its growth ambitions. Continued global expansion, an ongoing focus on product innovation and digitalisation in cooperation with dealers and end users form the basis for the company’s growth strategy.

EMM has experienced strong international growth in recent years and, with its four own brands Colad, Hamach, Ronin Tools and Tander, has secured a solid position in the market. Director and (former majority) shareholder Thomas van der Kooij: “Product innovation combined with a sharp positioning and communication strategy have been key to the rapid growth we have experienced. Our ambition is strong growth and global expansion based on our innovative strength. Making a difference in the market with new solutions for and with our customers – that’s our main mission. In Quadrum Capital, we have the right partner to successfully achieve these growth ambitions and accelerate our growth as an innovation centre for paint-processing markets worldwide by delivering new, innovative non-paint solutions.”

Managing Partner at investment company Quadrum Capital, Peter Oostenenk: “EMM is a fantastic company and a market leader in the international automotive repair business, to name just one. Boasting growing sales worldwide, the company is known as a quality player. The energetic way in which new ideas, such as the recently introduced UV Fast Curing System, are developed in collaboration with dealers and end users is a core competence we will build on in our growth strategy. Together, we will raise EMM’s global profile in the coming years.”

Besides Quadrum Capital, EMM’s current shareholders will stay on as shareholders. The current management team will remain at the helm of EMM under the leadership of director and co-shareholder Thomas van der Kooij.